Escort Articles Archive '2023-11'

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Book in Now, Before the Holidays

November 30th, 2023 by Kandice Lee
Hello darling, A little reminder to book your time in now, before the holidays start ... I have minimal working days left, so let's Enjoy eachother Now!! My Availability is  Friday 1st 7am-4pm  Monday 3rd Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th 7am-4pm Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Friday 14th Monday 17th  THEN ON HOLIDAYS I have 3 amazing deals to use too  So get booking to get Jingled all the way, Kandice xxx  0467 425 956 
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Giving sexy video calls a trial 🫣

November 29th, 2023 by Melanie
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Send Nudes: Tips for Taking, Sending and Replying to Nude Photos

November 29th, 2023 by Naughty Ads
Pictures speak a thousand words, and sexting with a partner is pretty hot and thrilling. Sending nudes adds that thrill into sexting, but only if everyone is on the same page. With the massive tech trends and social media, there’s a huge risk attached to sending nudes since some partners can leak them to the crowds. That said, there's an art and some definitive rules to sending nudes. Ladies and gentlemen, listen up; How To Take Nudes 1. Lighting and Angles If you're going to send a naughty picture, let it be the best you can get. Get as much natural lighting as possible, and take the picture from above or straight on. For nighttime snaps, get enough lighting, maybe from an LED source. 2. Keep The Face Out of It! We can’t insist enough on this. Send selfies as much as you want, and send nudes as many as you like, but for the love of the gods, don’t send nudes and your face together. Some people are unpredictable and might turn into douchebags and leak them. Also, your phone might land in the wrong hands. 3. Stay Anonymous. Remember, your phone might land in the wrong hands, so we recommend anonymity. Turn off location services when you send nudes, and remove anything in the background that might help people trace you. In addition to keeping your face out of it, remember to hide any special scars or birthmarks. 4. Set Boundaries. Nude doesn’t have to be completely naked. We recommend snapping only what you're comfortable with. Besides, leaving some part of it to the imagination is even sexier than revealing the whole thing.   How To Send Nudes 1. Communicate If this has to go down, make sure the other person is in line with whatever you want to do. Establish consent and ensure they’re okay with you sending what you have in mind. While sexting is hot, there are many other activities to do if your partner doesn’t like the whole nude thing. 2. Double-check that “to” Button. You don’t want to accidentally send your nudes to your mum, dad or college WhatsApp group. So please, before hitting the send button, double-confirm the recipient. 3. Don’t Send to People You Don’t Know. We recommend doing this with someone you already know, preferably in a relationship with. The bottom line is not to send such pictures to someone you don’t know very well or don’t know their intentions with them. 4. Get Collateral If you have to give something, let them share something too. Should they hold your head over your nude, you'll at least have something to counter the threat.    Replying To Nudes You Like Sexting and sending nudes is fantastic foreplay, but it takes some nerves to get the hang of it. It is common to go blank once you get a nude photo from a partner. Escorts recommend not overthinking it. Just go ahead and pour the words of how they made you feel. Tell them what you want to do with the body part you just saw. Bottomline is to make the response sexy, enthusiastic and kind. In Closing Nudes are certainly the game changer in today's dating scene. However, the decision to send or not is upon you. Do what you think is right for you! Would you be comfortable sending nudes? Have you ever sent nudes? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. 
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Michael ..... the gentle dom.

November 27th, 2023 by Michael Trainer
Just sharing a new blog of mine which will combine personal images as well as my likings.....hope you enjoy
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November 27th, 2023 by Bayleigh Gray
Part time blue haired Bayleigh Grey will be taking over until the beautiful blonde bimbo fixes her mistake that turned me blue 🥲😂💋🤷🏽
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Offer: Cyber Monday Sale Extended: Up to 70% Off!!

November 27th, 2023 by Naughty Ads
Offer: Cyber Monday Sale Extended: Up to 70% Off Start: Tuesday 28th November 12:00am AEST / NZDT End: Monday 4th December 2:00pm AEST / 5:00pm NZDT Click this Promo Link for great deals now!
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November 27th, 2023 by Jodie
Join us !! You will work at the best working environment : NO DRUG NO PARRY CUSTOMER NO ALCOHOL. CASH PAID EACH JOB. LOTS OF REGULAR CUSTOMERS & NEW CUSTOMERS FROM OUR DAILY ONLINE ROSTER & GOOD BEAUTIFUL LADIES. ( you don need to pull your own regular customers to see you) BEST LOCATION ( bus train ) CALL 02 9633 4683 Receptionist or TEXT 0421 696 009 Kim
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There's absolutely no reason for me to feel ashamed about my body.

November 26th, 2023 by Edwin Walker
There's absolutely no reason for me to feel ashamed about my body. I look happy and healthy. I like how I look when I wake up. I love every scar, wrinkle, and freckle. Every feature of my face makes me attractive. I'm grateful for my uniqueness. People often compliment my appearance. My body is in excellent shape.
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PreBook Me into your weekday calendar !!

November 25th, 2023 by Kandice Lee
Hello there, Need a fun and happy time during your weekly grind.. Let me help you with that ... I offer a Girlfriend/Pornstar session  Or a XXX Pornstar session this does include An@l I also have a leisurely lunch deal of 3 hours for $900  Must be half social, half naughty time  So Prebook to guarantee your spot, Kandice  0467 425 956 
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November 24th, 2023 by Gabrielle Le Rouge
What a week! Sex sex and more sex! I absolutely love it but by Friday I’m a bit in need of some fun! What about you?
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November 24th, 2023 by Natalie Moore
The Business of Sex Work 📈 Setting Income Goals - Step 1: Understanding Your Client's Value 📊 Join me on a journey to unlock the secrets of financial success and business growth as an ESCORT. In my role as a marketing and lead generation expert, as well as a website developer, I'm thrilled to share my insights and expertise with you. Through my upcoming series "The Business of Sex Work" articles, we'll delve into critical topics such as income goals, financial and marketing budget planning, optimizing your booking and advertising processes, setting competitive rates, boosting profitability, and crafting a smart industry-specific marketing strategy. I understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with running a business, and I'm here to help you navigate them. Together, let's uncover the strategies and tactics that will propel your business to new heights. This article is step 1 for setting income goals and will help you discover practical methods to: Gauge client value and manage variability among booking rates. Seamlessly integrate client value into your daily workflow and workload management. Rethink worthiness by analysing factors like booking frequency and referral potential. Don't miss the free Income Goal Calculator, a valuable tool to achieve work-life balance and financial success in your profession. Elevate your business by unlocking the power of understanding client worth! 💪🔧 Read the full article here Whether you're just starting out or aiming to take your existing business to the next level, I hope these articles provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed. Stay tuned for a wealth of insights that will empower you to make informed decisions, maximize profits, and build a thriving trade business. I absolutely love hearing from other and value your feedback so head to my Natalie Moore Brisbane Escort contact page. Let's embark on this journey to success together! 💼💰🚀
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Stretching my pussy so daddy calls me back 😘

November 22nd, 2023 by Sissy Slut Katie
Becoming a slut for the attention of alphas 👅
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The life of a kinky obedient sissy fuck toy

November 22nd, 2023 by Sissy Slut Katie
Pretty much my only problem is being able to save enough money to quit my job, start taking hormones, find a daddy to help me get implants and fake lips 🥵. Will do anything for whoever will turn me into their fucktoy ❤️
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Updated ways to Contact me...

November 21st, 2023 by Kandice Lee
You can contact me for our amazing dates by ... Texting 0467 425 956 Emailing See what I offer at Look forward to seeing you soon, Kandice xxx
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Interested In Some Wax Play? Here Are Some Tips for Beginners

November 21st, 2023 by Naughty Ads
When you lose that spark in your bedroom, and the embers of passion have dulled massively, among the best ways to heat things up is incorporating some temperature play, specifically wax play candles. Wax play candles are hot (literally!), sticky, and potentially very fun. However, remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Wax play comes with significant risks, especially those of unsexy burns. It can be very intimidating, but you’re in luck today. Keep scrolling through this simple and exciting beginner's guide to wax play. First, What Is Wax Play? The concept of wax play is based on BDSM, or, simply put, pleasurable pain. It’s a form of consensual BDSM act that involves temperature play, where one pours hot wax on themselves or a partner’s body when getting intimate. The hot wax sends a slight burning and pleasurable sensation to the recipient when it hits the skin. The partner applying the wax enjoys a sense of domination and power over their partner. Is Wax Play Safe? As mentioned earlier, there are safety concerns related to burns from the hot wax. Wax play is considered risk-aware and consensual play since there is a risk of suffering from unsexy burns. However, there is nothing to worry about with a few safety precautions and the right kind of candles. The most important thing to remember is to keep the hot wax off eyes, ears and other sensitive body parts. Does It Hurt? Generally, no, but that depends on the partner in question. Remember, we have different limits to pain and sensation. Some people have very sensitive skin and have a thin tolerance to pain, and thus, they might find it painful. Many people wouldn’t say it hurts but instead call the feeling an intense sensation rather than pain. What Type of Candles Are Best for Wax Play? We recommend using candles specifically made for wax play to avoid unsexy burns. Such candles are labelled as body-safe and are, in most cases, sold by adult toys retailers. Such candles only reach a specific temperature, and thus, the wax shouldn’t be much on the skin. Doctors and experts recommend paraffin candles. If possible, avoid scented and beeswax candles as they get hotter and will undoubtedly leave unsexy burns on your skin. Prepping For Wax Play. Preparing for a wax play session goes a long way in safety compliance and ensuring everyone has a good time. Firstly, we recommend using bed sheets you’re not super attached to since it's impossible not to drip some wax on the bed. Remove flammable substances around the bedroom, and tie loose or tangled body hair. Cleaning Up After a Session. The truth is wax play can be messy. It will leave your body with lumps of solid wax. Depending on the type of candle, you should be able to pull them off easily. Some people will enjoy the impact play from pulling the wax. In most cases, baby oil or a hot shower will be perfect. The Bottom Line Wax play is among the hottest yet less talked about sex plays. It's powerful and will work the magic on your bedroom spark. We hope that the above tips will be helpful. Remember always to communicate, play safe, and, quite significantly, aftercare. Do you have any experience with wax play? Is it something you’d consider? Why or why not? Please tell us in the comment section below.    
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Bad Boy Lexx #4 (Just Around The Corner)

November 20th, 2023 by Lexx Soule
There is something about going on long adventurous drives that is comforting, relaxing, and cool. Late night driving with the moon shining, minimal traffic (usually), and mild temperature; setting excellent moods for deep, life impacting decisions; getting back with an ex; having spontaneous, exciting, nerve racking, sex; and breaking up with a girlfriend. Day driving for clear skies, tour stops, and the loud laughs; giving your mind space to think creatively, admire any views you may have, and playing a good game of spoto. But driving is also dangerous.   One late night after finishing a quality 3“7-hour McDonalds shift my amazing cousin picked me up and was willing to take me home. He wasn't allowed to drive me anywhere unless for AFL or work purposes due to his 8 attempts at getting his red P plates. For work purposes, it meant whenever mum didn't want to take me or pick me up. So, my cousin & I took the long route home; we talked some shit and pathetically spun some wheels, he was always too chicken to spin the wheels properly. But then I called him a pussy and said he wouldn't do it....... We did it....... This is how the conversation went. Cousin "I went to Lismore the other night, want to go to Lismore again with me?" Me "Yeah, I'm down" Cousin "Nah, we better not. Your mum will get mad. She's a bitch when she is mad; no offense. Me "No, she won't even know. She will be asleep. Cousin "No your mum will kill me, I'm lucky to be doing this. There was a silent pause as we pulled up to the traffic lights. Cousin "Nah we better not, she will find out. She always finds out. Me Fucking pussy We waited for the light to turn green, probably about 1 minute; and we didn't go straight at that intersection. As we start turning right from the middle of the road. Where are we going? I ask. Cousin "Lismore." We started driving to Lismore at 11 pm. We made a McDonalds coffee run, a fuel stop & then we were off. Playing all the best from the 90's & 2000's punk rock. It was a great drive, great conversations & great music; we had just travelled through the mountain range that separates Queensland & New South Wales (for those who know the roads, we travelled through Beaudesert) when the phone rang. Yes; yes, it was. MOTHER It was now about 12:30, 1:00 am. Her: "Hey ________, where are you" The pause in the ummmmm that followed was tense and eery. "Uuuuuummmmmm we're just driving around the city" My cousin replied. "Okay well, are you with Lexx? "Yes, I picked him up from work" "Okay, you are going to bring him home now. Drop him off, you know the rules. "Okay _________ we will be back in about 30 minutes. "30 MINUTES, YOU SAID YOU WERE IN THE CITY!" "Yeah the city, around the city, northside. We're just hanging out. "I don't care, home now!" ...........  We were probably 30 minutes from Lismore so we were at best 2 hours away from home, not 30 minutes.I could get away with things, I had my tricks; my cousin was not so fortunate. So, in this instance I wasn't getting in trouble he was. We did a 180 spin and flawed it back home to try to cut the drive in half, which was never going to happen; especially because it had been raining the previous days. What was supposed to be a 1-hour attempt at a 2-hour drive turned into a 6 hour nightmare. We were flying back through the mountain range at speed; probably about 80km; I was the GPS telling my cousin which direction to turn (there was next to no visibility), left turn, right turn, right turn. I took my eyes away for a split second and was a second behind in my direction. We went off the road and down into the forestation. Thankfully neither of us was hurt, and the car survived a few more months. But due to where we were in NSW & QLD tow truck companies were sending us back and forth; mum kept ringing every minute but due to horrible reception, we couldn't get many words in. We were stuck in the middle of a mountain with no help, no car, no food, no water and one pissed off woman. Thankfully someone came to our rescue a short 2-3 hours later; a local motorcyclist who was photographing a big, annual, community ride through the mountains. He waved over the biggest hill billy looking, beat up ute driving red neck you could find. The redneck grabbed his chain and ripped the car out of its current bed; exactly how you would imagine a hillbilly redneck would. We washed the car before driving home to face the noise. We both got the silent treatment at first but my cousin got a scolding later. I got a grounding later. Reading this you might think, how is this a bad boy on your behalf? Well it's not really. It's just a good story with a hint of "you're a little shit. I will be back next year, until then have an amazing holiday, share the time with your loved ones, friends, and family. Give back, give more. Wish you all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! The world of love, Lexx Soule The Perfect Gentleman.
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Let's get Merry

November 20th, 2023 by Kandice Lee
Why hello, Your Mature Darling is home all of November and December.. So let's get down and dirty together XXX I have 3 amazing offers that will run until the 1st of January... $50 off any 1 hour or more booking between 7-9am Only 3hrs Gfe/Pse half social half naughty $900 incall rate or $1000 outcall 12hrs for $2000 Gfe/Pse included (must include social time) Hope to feel you soon, Kandice xxx
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Coming to the Gold Coast xx

November 20th, 2023 by Kali Kush
I will be available in the Gold Coast, this week for incalls, outcalls and whatever else you may have in mind. Check out my ad and pictures, and book now for an unforgettable experience. Love Kiki xx
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20 Days left of Availability

November 18th, 2023 by Kandice Lee
OMG, I JUST COUNTED 20 more working days till my Christmas Break.. BOOK NOW to Lick My #Candy 0467 425 956 Monday to Friday 7am-10pm PREBOOK TO SECURE YOUR SPOT Kandice xxx
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How To Have an Overnight With An Escort

November 17th, 2023 by Naughty Ads
When booking an escort, there's a myriad of options in terms of time structuring. While being with her for some hours can be memorable, spending the night with her could be one of the best experiences ever. Remember, these escorts are professionally trained to keep you company and give you the best they can offer. However, it doesn’t always work out, especially if she catches you off-guard. To help you with this, here is what you need to know before booking an overnight stay with an escort. Firstly, there are various types of overnight bookings, all based on time constraints. We have short overnights, say between 10 and 12 hours; middle-way overnights, about 14 hours; and long overnights, between 16-20 hours. Long overnights begin late in the afternoon and proceed to the next day, where you get more than enough time to enjoy some fun activities with the escort. So now, here’s what you need to do to get ready. 1. Find The Escorts Choose a reputable escort directory or agency to find the girl of your dreams. We highly recommend directories and agencies since they have a structure that protects both clients and escorts. That way, you're assured of a safe and comfortable booking. 2. Examine The Costs And Choose A Spot. Escorts come at different price tags; if you want her for the whole night, you'll have to splash a bit more. Be sure to check their services and make sure they align with your budget. Also, pick a spot where you want to spend the night and examine the financial damages. 3. Start Talking And Know Her Rules Message the escort and inform her about your plans. From there, discuss both your boundaries and the rules of engagement. If you fall on the same page, proceed to the date. 4. Keep Time This is the most crucial first impression. Escorts work on tight schedules, and thus, they hate it when their time is wasted. Although you are paying her for the booking, it would be kind if you showed up on the agreed spot-on time. 5. Double Check On Arrangements. Make sure all the arrangements are made way before the actual date. For example, the hotel room you’ve booked or table reservations. It would be disappointing if she comes to any inconveniences you could have easily fixed. 6. Don’t Ask Too Many Questions The idea is to make this interaction as natural as possible. So, we suggest not asking too many questions, especially personal ones. Choose topics that you two are comfortable talking about. 7. Avoid Too Much Drinking. While a drink or two won’t hurt, we highly recommend staying sober. If at all you must drink, make sure that one, the escort shares the interest, and two, you don’t get too drunk and lose self-conscience. Take Away You can plan an overnight stay with your escort, but it could still go wrong, just like any other date. However, with a good plan, everything might work just as you imagined. Don’t leave anything to chance; feel free to review the above checklist whenever possible.    
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The 'John' Pseudonym Predicament

November 14th, 2023 by Natalie Moore
In the fascinating realm of escort services, the name 'John' has risen to prominence as the pseudonym of choice for clients craving discretion. It's a name that's classic, rich in history, and just about as common as finding coffee at a Starbucks. But its ubiquity has sparked some curious musings. How many 'Johns' are out there anyway? Are our clients, dare I say it, a tad unoriginal, or does 'John' itself hold the secret sauce to excitement in this unconventional world? The name 'John' has become so prevalent that distinguishing one 'John' from another has turned into a hilarious puzzle. In my contacts, they're as distinct as 'John, the mechanic,' 'John, the really tall Italian guy,' and 'John, the Aussie with the nice suit,' among others. While 'John' offers simplicity and discretion, it's like trying to find Waldo in a sea of Waldos; it's reaching a point where it's downright impractical. As I ventured down this comical rabbit hole, it became clear that 'John's' enduring appeal lies in its sheer simplicity and a commonality that could rival even the most basic "Hello, my name is" sticker. It's as if 'John' were the James Bond of names, sly, to the point, and always ready for action. Its omnipresence in English-speaking countries and its rather unconventional association with the likes of Saint John the Baptist have bizarrely contributed to its intriguing reputation, cementing its status as the go-to alias for those navigating the world of escort encounters with a generous dose of charm. Want to read my full article? - head over here Trust me; it's a delightful journey into the whimsical world of 'John' and the imaginative possibilities that await those willing to embrace change.
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My list of 10 positive affirmations for sexual confidence:

November 11th, 2023 by Edwin Walker
1. Sexual pleasure is a beautiful gift that I deserve to receive. 2. I explore and embrace my sexual desires. 3. I am sexually generous. 4. I am full of sexual energy. 5. I am grateful for my body and the sexual pleasure it provides me. 6. I exude sexual confidence 7. I am in full control of my sexual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 8. I live, love, and engage in sexual behaviors according to my values. 9. I communicate successfully with my romantic and sexual partner 10. Telling my partner what I want during sex is natural and easy for me.
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How To Give the Best Blow Job Ever?

November 10th, 2023 by Naughty Ads
Blowjobs, giving head- whatever you want to call it, is intimidating, but it sure is the wild west of sex acts. It's sexy and an asset you must have in your pleasure arsenal. While there's no given formula for a blow job, small tweaks and techniques will help you become a cut above the rest when it comes to gagging on it. We talked to sex experts and escorts, bringing you the best tips to help you give a mind-blowing blow job. Shall we? Take The Lead! Men (most) find it insanely beautiful when a girl initiates oral sex. The element of surprise that comes with it gets them going crazy. So, the next time you're with him wherever, don’t hesitate. Grab the mic and get into action. Trust us, he will keep the memories in mind. Start Slowly Escorts suggest that getting your whole body up to speed is pretty important. Tease him, grind your body on him, kiss him from the lips down, pet and stroke his body, often grazing his D, such that he is already hard in anticipation by the time you get into the BJ. Once you're there, assume you have the whole day. Work on it slowly and make sure he's feeling and enjoying every sensation. Don’t Just Use Your Mouth! A blow job isn’t just a mouth service. Using the mouth only will leave your jaw in pain when he cums. The key is matching the pressure of your mouth to the pressure of your hand, such that it feels like one fluid motion. If you do this correctly, he won't even realise some hands were involved. Use your hand to match the mouth’s rhythm. It can either be a straight-up motion or a corkscrew motion. If possible, get the balls into the experience by licking or stroking them with your hands. PS! He will be curling his toes! They Are Best When Wet! A good blow job is the one that gets really sloppy and messy. So, don’t be afraid to put on a show. Spit on it, drool on that D, and let all the juices from your mouth. Flavoured lubes will work the magic if you still can’t get it wet enough. However, with lubes, we recommend extra scrutiny of the brand and type. Try The Deep Throat Men like deep-throat queens. So, if you can pull this stunt, it's an extra credit on your name. This is called the gag reflex. Some people's gag reflex is more easily activated than others, so you don't need to beat yourself up if you can’t pull it off. Deep throating feels amazing since your throat is way tighter than the mouth, and it’s an extreme turn-on to your partner seeing you take it all in. Side note! Go easy on deep-throating and ensure that while at it, you can breathe well through your nose! Enjoy It Too. Lastly, being enthusiastic about the action counts even more than the action itself. A few ways to show enthusiasm include making eye contact, asking what they want and telling them how turned on you are. Having fun while giving the blow job is the absolute trick. It makes everything grand! Are you a fan of blow jobs? Do you remember how your last one felt? Tell us in the comment section below.        
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Dinner Dates

November 9th, 2023 by Heidi Hendricks
An ode to hotel room service... Do you enjoy dining with a lady during a long booking to ease the tension? I personally love ordering room service for my clients.
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Fresh Website - Jay Charles!

November 8th, 2023 by Jay Charles
Attention all! You don't want to miss out on the exciting updates to Jay Charles' website! If you're looking for a top-notch experience with an intimate companion, look no further than The newly designed website offers a seamless booking process, allowing you to secure your appointment with ease. No more waiting on hold or playing phone tag - simply book online and reserve your desired time slot. But that's not all! The revamped website also features an instant messaging feature, enabling you to communicate directly with Jay Charles. Whether you have questions about services or want to discuss specific requirements, this convenient messaging system ensures quick and direct communication. And let's not forget about the extra services! Jay Charles has expanded his offerings to cater to your unique desires and preferences. From personalized experiences to tailored packages, there is something for everyone seeking an unforgettable encounter. For those who appreciate exclusivity, VIP packages are available for regular clients. Enjoy additional perks and special treatment as a valued member of Jay Charles' clientele. So whether you're a long-time admirer or new to the world of intimate companionship, head over to now and explore the enhanced features of this exceptional website. Experience convenience, quality service, and discover why Jay Charles is the go-to choice for all your intimate companion needs. Don't miss out - visit today!
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M2M massage

November 8th, 2023 by Eric Chan
My name is Eric. Experience a totally relaxing and naked sensual Massage or just have a lovely company with to acheive your desire. Climaxing with a body2body slide and an explosive happy end++. After your total body experience you will feel completely drained of tension and stress.  A warm shower before and after will help you feel fresh clean and ready to unwind and be mentally and physically reset by my magic hands I'm 26, 5'7 tall, gym fit body with handsome looking, having massage experience for over 3 year, qualified in remedial massage VI and diploma.  Discret-e, air-conditioned, private studio room, shower facilities, fresh towels are provided, Street parking. Outcall available! Work time: Every day 18:30pm-midnight  Please call or send a text message with your enquiry or reservation and I will reply
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Escort Tips on Preparing for An Overnight Date

November 8th, 2023 by Naughty Ads
Overnight dates are among the most sought-after escort services. Clients book escorts for a whole night, where they get special packages such as the girlfriend experience, where they take the escorts for a date and spend the night with them. While this is a lucrative path for escorts, it sure comes with some risks, especially when dealing with new clients. Usually, such concerns are handled by escort agencies for escorts working under them. However, handling the risk part could be a problem for independent escorts. To help you out, here are a few short tips on how you, an escort, can prepare for an overnight date. 1. Make Sure Someone Else Has Your Date Details. In the case of agencies, the companies keep full records of clients. However, if you're not working under one, ensure someone else you trust has your date details. These include the client's name, location of the date, or any other information you can find. This person could be a fellow sex worker, a friend or a family member. That way, you will always have someone on the quick dial if things go downward. 2. Know the Date Location Beforehand. Usually, escorts will ask for the location to dress appropriately. In this case, we suggest asking for the specific date location and knowing more about it. If it’s a hotel, consider calling and asking more about it. This way, you get to see if you will be safe. 3. Know Your Client Well. For cases of new clients, we recommend finding as much information about them as possible. Have a prior phone call with them and inquire as much as you can, avoiding too many personal questions. If possible, find their social media pages and, of course, video call them. 4. Always Have Your Phone Charged. You're dealing with a stranger, which necessitates having your phone fully operational at all times. For additional safety, having a power bank is necessary. 5. Clarify Terms of Service Escort services are done in packages. It’s important to discuss the package terms beforehand. This will help to deal with any expectations, and should you feel like they want more than you can offer, feel free to cancel. 6. Groom To The Fullest Remember, the first impression is crucial; thus, you want to make a good one. Check your escort bag for necessary items such as an extra undergarment, lotion, toiletries and any other item you might need. Remember to shower, shave, make your hair, and rock your best outfit. 7. Go Easy on The Drinks. The idea is to stay self-aware. Avoid any drinks or drugs that might lead you to lose your self-awareness. If at all you have to drink, watch your pace on the bottles. 8. Use Protection. Finally, ensure you or your client puts on a condom if you have to get intimate. Have some in your bag just in case they don’t have any at their place. Take Away. An overnight is a lucrative way for an escort to make good money while having fun. The above tips should be helpful when preparing for one. A reminder is to always have emergency contacts in case of anything.    
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Up to 70% off with Early Access Black Friday Sales at Lovehoney!! Don't wait - click below!

November 7th, 2023 by Naughty Ads
Black Friday Up to 70% off – Early Access at Lovehoney! 2pm AEST 6th November to 23.59pm AEST 23rd November To access these great sales clink this Promo Link 
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A Memorable Week in Victoria

November 7th, 2023 by Natalie Moore
Reuniting with Loved Ones and Very Productive Days My recent trip to Victoria was a whirlwind of experiences, from luxurious business class travel to heart warming reunions with family and friends. The adventure began with a business class upgrade flight, setting the tone for the entire journey. The Virgin Lounge served a sumptuous breakfast that made the early morning departure worthwhile. Upon landing in Victoria, I was eager to reconnect with my loved ones. Days two and three were all about relaxation and indulgence. I went shopping for cute outfits, got a massage, and enjoyed a delightful dinner at Okami. The rainy weather on day three provided the perfect excuse for a cozy day in bed, binge-watching Netflix. Day four shifted gears as I delved into work-related activities, conducting property photoshoots. The picturesque surroundings of Victoria added an extra layer of beauty to my work. On day five, I met new clients and spent quality time over coffee with my dad. My journey concluded with a fulfilling day spent with my in-laws, working on a car garage project. Despite a flight hiccup on the way back, my week in Victoria left me with cherished memories and a heart full of gratitude. For the full story, read the blog post here: Read More.
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5 Questions You Should NEVER Ask Your Escort

November 6th, 2023 by Naughty Ads
Escorts face many questions in their line of duty, especially from discerning clients. While human nature is inquisitive, some of these questions can cause irritation. To help you on your next date, here is a simple guide of 5 questions you should never ask an escort. Don’t Ask If They Have Kids. This is the most common annoying question that clients ask escorts, and yes, it is considered rude and intrusive. Escorts prefer keeping their private lives away from business; thus, asking such a question may make the escort uncomfortable. If you're curious whether she has any kids, it would be best to ask whether she’s comfortable sharing personal information rather than jumping in straight with the questions. Besides, why would you even want to know whether your escort has kids? Do Not Ask Where They Live When you're on a date with an escort, remember they are in for business by offering you a service. That implies they have limits to their actions and words. Their residences are private information, which most prefer to keep away from their line of work. Unless an escort is willing, they don’t share their permanent addresses. Not only is asking them for the address inappropriate, but it will also make the escort very uncomfortable. Don’t Ask Why They Are Escorts While we all ask doctors and accountants why they do what they do, this question carries a different weight regarding escorts. Many people assume that escorts are in the industry due to a tragedy that put them on that path. While that could be true for some, it isn’t always the case, so we recommend keeping your mouth shut about that question. Don’t Ask Whether They Are Dating Although many escorts prefer to avoid serious dating due to the nature of their work, we have a good number with serious romantic partners. This is perfectly normal since escorts are perfect at fitting into situations. Asking whether they have a partner could mean that you want more from the transaction, which is detrimental to her line of work. Instead of having weird moments during dates, stay away from that question. Don’t Ask How Many Clients She’s Seen Today! Asking this is both intrusive and very rude. This question gives an impression that you are prying into her business, which is pretty uncouth. In escorting, the client is treated as a king. So, it doesn’t matter whether you're the 10th person on the day’s business; she will still offer top-class service to you. The Bottom Line We could list thousands of questions that fit into the same category. The secret is to follow the easy rule of keeping both of your private lives as secret as possible. If you want to know about something personal, remember to ask whether they are comfortable sharing such information. Which other questions do you think clients should refrain from asking escorts? Talk to us in the comment section below!    
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My Availability this week!!

November 5th, 2023 by Kandice Lee
🩵💋Availability💋🩵 #Brisbane   3  Fri   7am-10pm  4 Sat 7am-10pm  5 Sun 7am-10pm  6  Mon 7am-10pm  7  Tue  7am-10pm  8  Wed 7am-10pm  9 Thu 7am-10pm  PREBOOK DARLING 💋 0467 425 956 🩵🩵
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Horny wet cum endulge

November 3rd, 2023 by Madeline Tearle
Tonight only special xxx cum party with my funny ass
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November 3rd, 2023 by Joshua
Available 24 hours
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Sydney Gents last Tour for 2023

November 1st, 2023 by Kandice Lee
#Sydney Gents Last Call for any booking for Next week!!! Availability is. 9th 3pm till late 10th 7am till late Last Tour for 2023 to your Amazing State/City Prebooking and Deposits Required 0467425956 Kandice xxx
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Your Comprehensive Guide to BDSM Aftercare.

November 1st, 2023 by Naughty Ads
Before we jump into aftercare, let's set some records straight about BDSM. While it stands for bondage and discipline, BDSM isn’t a violent and harmful practice, as society has made it seem. It mainly involves sensory and power play or simply pleasurable pain. Whether you're new to the kink world or an experienced player, aftercare is probably the most important aspect besides the act. In this article, we’ll delve into all aspects of aftercare, including its importance and how it can help you mitigate any impending effects an intense scene can have on your body and mind. Let’s get into it! Aftercare Explained Aftercare can be described as any emotional and physical caretaking that precedes sexual encounters, such as a BDSM session. Remember that most BDSM plays involve roleplays that take you into a trance of fantasies; thus, the aspect of aftercare is important to bring each other back to reality. Also, there might be some physical pain during play, necessitating partners to have some time afterwards. In most cases, it's usually a deep reflective conversation to digest what just happened. Ideally, although the play might be over, it's not finished until aftercare happens. Who Needs Aftercare? More often than not, the submissive partner needs more attention and care than the dominant one. However, we highly recommend that it goes both ways. Having it both ways plays a significant role in openness and, thus, deeper intimacy. Do I Really Need Aftercare? This is a question we get a lot of times. Many partners don’t feel like they need that part of aftercare. While this might be okay, remember that BDSM is a powerful play, and while it may not seem all intense, the body might need some psychological response to adapt to the intensity. If you're the submissive partner, you will likely be sore from heavy punishments and uncomfortable positions. At the same time, you might be suffering from mental and emotional fatigue, confusion, and disconnect from your partner. All these reasons are why we firmly insist on aftercare to ensure that you don’t lose that bond with your partner. So, What Does Aftercare Look Like? Aftercare hits differently for each person. But generally, it involves any kind gesture that will make both partners feel good. A deep conversation discussing the just concluded sex play and how it made you feel is a good start. For the really intense and physical plays, caring for possible wounds and injuries is sure proper care. More examples include; ·   Replenishment with water or your favourite drink. ·   Physical contact such as spooning or cuddling ·   Showering together or beauty routines ·   Relaxing activities such as colouring. ·   Watching a movie ·   A comfortable nap. In Closing After all, aftercare isn’t that complicated. We recommend communicating with your partner to understand better what they like. Side note: it's important to do a follow-up. While many partners might be okay to process everything, aftercare follow-up will help you better understand your partner.  Are you a fan of BDSM? What do you think is proper aftercare? Tell us in the comments.
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